The purpose of the programme assignments is to integrate the learning from the programme and provide opportunities to reflect on what you have learnt. It is also a means by which we assess the extent to which you have understood the content.

Plagiarism is copying and pasting text from webpages and other content and submitting as your own content.

Using AI text generator refers to pasting the assignment into an AI text generator and submitting the response as your assignment.

Both plagiarism and using AI text generators for assignments is a form of cheating, which we do not condone.  This is also cheating yourself of valuable opportunities to reflect on your learning and integrate what you have learnt into your memory.

As a measure to restrict the use of plagiarism and AI generators, we will run text that appears to be plagiarised or AI written through an AI text detector.

Those assignments that score more than 30% likely to be AI generated will be returned for resubmission.

Those assignments that score more than 30% likely to be plagiarised will be returned for resubmission.

Chat GPT Detector for Assignments

Plagiarism Checker for Assignments