Below is the price list. This applies only to private self-enrolled users. 

Court-referred users use a different fees schedule due to the service requirement of a case manager (social worker), court reporting and aftercare costs. This service is not provided to private self-enrolling clients. 

Please note that payment is made online via PayPal in USD, as PayPal currently does not support payments in ZAR.  Changes in the exchange rate result in minor cost fluctuations.

Subscription name Type Start date End date USD Approximate  ZAR
Adult Lifeskills X days access Day of payment +60 days 21 386.61
Anger Management X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Basic Facilitation Skills X days access Day of payment +30 days 21 386.61
Basics of conflict resolution X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Basics of Restorative Justice X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Beyond Boundaries X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Chance to Change X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Child Justice Act X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Child Protection in the South African Context X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Choosing the High Road X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Domestic Violence X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Fatherhood Programme X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Introduction to Bullying for Educators and Practitioners X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Introduction to CBT X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Introduction to Crime and Violence Prevention in South Africa X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Introduction to Psychosocial Assessments in the Criminal Justice Sector (2024) X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
National School Safety Framework X days access Day of payment +60 days 9 165.69
Positive Discipline and Classroom Management X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Positive Parenting Programme X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
Rapid Intervention for Trauma X days access Day of payment +90 days 24 441.84
Social Work Code of Ethics X days access Day of payment +90 days 18 331.38
Social Work Supervision X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
SparkStarter Programme X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
The Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61
The Road to Resilience X days access Day of payment +90 days 21 386.61