NICRO offers both behavioural programmes, as well as professional skills development programmes.
Coming soon! (July – Dec 2021)
- Behavioural Programmes
- Adult Lifeskills
- Parenting
- Economic Opportunities
- Substance Abuse Education
- Professional Programmes
- Introduction to Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Practitioners
- Short information programme on gangs and youth
Behavioural Programmes
NICRO’s behavioural programmes are designed to provide educational and personal growth and development content to support behaviour change.
Flattening the Curve
A text-based no-audio programme designed for people who have been arrested for non-compliance with Covid-19 disaster management regulations. Topics include:
- About Covid-19
- Importance of mask wearing and social distancing
- Effects of a pandemic on mental and emotional wellbeing
- The Disaster Management Act
- Coping skills and self-care
- Rights and responsibilities
- Decision-making
- Emotional and personal growth and development
Completion Requirements: Participants have to submit assignments and pass quizzes in order to graduate from the programme.
Shifting Gears
A text-based no-audio programme designed for people who have been arrested for traffic-related offences. Topics include:
- Road safety
- Driver attitudes and behaviours
- Common traffic offences
- Consequences of traffic offences
- Effective road safety strategies
- Becoming a supportive driver
Completion Requirements: Participants have to submit assignments and pass quizzes in order to graduate from the programme.
Choosing the High Road
A text-based no-audio programme is an awareness and road safety education programme that aims to prevent road offences and promote road safety by:
- Providing information about road safety, road safety risks and the need to reduce drunk driving, speeding and other risky driving behaviour.
- Challenging negative attitudes and unsafe driving behaviour, with a particular focus on driving under the influence (DUI).
- Developing and applying new knowledge, skills and attitudes that will promote responsible alcohol use, sober and safe driving.
Topics include:
- Introduction to road safety
- Behind the wheel – understanding the driver
- Taking responsibility
Completion Requirements: Participants have to submit assignments and pass quizzes in order to graduate from the programme.
Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Boundaries is a lifeskills programme for teenagers. It has the following topics:
- Rights and responsibilities
- Communication and assertiveness
- Perspective on behaviour
- Self-Awareness
- Anger management
- Decision-making and problem-solving
- Bullying
- Leadership and peer resistance skills
- Gang Prevention
This programme has audio.
Completion Requirements: Participants have to complete and submit a workbook in order to graduate from the programme. PDF reader software is required to access the programme Reader.
Professional Skills Development Programmes
NICRO’s professional skills development programmes are designed to develop a range of skills and knowledge of practitioners working in the welfare sector. If you are claiming CPD points from either SACE or SACSSP, please ensure you have entered your registration number in your profile.
Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy
This NICRO Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy (ISCPS) programme is a text-based no-audio programme that trains people on the implementation of the ISCPS.
The (ISCPS) is accredited with the South African Council of Social Service Professions for 12.5 CPD points.
Participants who complete this training are able to:
- Understand the problem of crime in their communities
- Identify different strategies of the ISCPS and formulate practical goals for their communities
- Knowledge of why and how communities should be involved in crime prevention
- Understand and practice the various approaches to facilitate community participation
- Understand the facilitator’s responsibilities in facilitating community events
- Practice strategies for leading community projects
- Recognise the different sources of information for assessing community safety
- Assess the situation in the community
- Apply different tools to writing up a community profile
- Understand community safety action plans
- Develop community safety action plans
- Implement community safety action plans
- Monitor and evaluate community safety plans
Completion Requirements: Participants must complete assignments and pass an exam with at least 80%. The programme costs R500 with a 90 day access license. You must complete the programme in 90 days.
Introduction to Domestic Violence
This text-based no-audio programme has been designed to familiarise social service professionals with information on domestic violence, dealing with victims of domestic violence and intervention strategies for perpetrators of such violence. Participants who complete this training are able to:
- Identify the different forms of domestic violence
- Identify different victims of domestic violence
- Describe appropriate response strategies to be used for specific victims, such as LGBTIQA, male victims and elders
- Understand and explain the dynamics of domestic violence
- Understand the key theoretical frameworks for domestic violence, such as the ecological theory and the social learning theory
- Understand and describe the physical, emotional and psychological effects of domestic violence
- Identify and refer to key pieces of legislation which form part of the response to domestic violence, including protection orders
- Understand the guiding principles of working with victims and the Victim’s Charter
- Understand the dynamics of trauma and the basic elements of a trauma debriefing
- Understand how to conduct a risk assessment for a domestic violence case
- Understand how to develop a safety plan for a victim of domestic violence
- Understand appropriate interventions to respond to domestic violence, and the relevant caveats for the different interventions
- Understand how to conduct a community risk assessment to form the basis of primary domestic violence prevention at community level
- Understand important considerations when mobilising communities as part of primary prevention for domestic violence
- Understand the importance of self-care in order to reduce risk of trauma and burnout as a professional exposed to trauma through case work
- Complete a professional quality of life assessment in order to identify areas that need attention in order to prevent burnout and trauma
- Understand a range of practical self-care tips designed to prevent burn-out and trauma as a professional
Completion Requirements: Participants must complete assignments and pass an exam with at least 80%. The programme costs R500 with a 90 day access license. You must complete the programme in 90 days.
Introduction to Psychosocial Assessments
This programme is designed for social workers, and covers the processes and requirements of producing a psychosocial assessment that can be used in court, and to guide the interventions provided to a client. The programme covers the following topics:
- Understanding Assessment
- Assessment Tools & Skills
- Preparing for an Assessment
- Data Collection
- Processing the Data
- Writing the Report
This programme has audio.
Completion Requirements: Participants must complete assignments and pass an exam with at least 80%.The programme costs R500 with a 90 day access license. You must complete the programme in 90 days.
The National School Safety Framework
The National School Safety Framework (NSSF) is the core response of the Department of Education to school violence. The NSSF was developed by DBE and the Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention (CJCP). CJCP has given NICRO permission to host NSSF training on NICRO Online. This training programme will equip students with the full NSSF toolkit, and guidance on how to implement the NSSF at schools. The programme covers the following:
- Introduction
- The NSSF Process
- The NSSF Tools
- Assignment - Educator survey
- The School Safety Action Plan
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Integrating the NSSF into Schools
- Critical Issues
This programme has audio. This programme is accredited with the South African Council for Educators for 15 CPD points.
Completion Requirements: Participants must complete assignments and pass an exam with at least 80%. The programme costs R200 with a 60 day access license. You must complete the programme in 60 days.
Social Work Supervision
This programme is designed to provide a detailed overview of what is required when rendering supervision to social workers. The programme covers educational, administrative and supportive social work supervision.
The programme covers the following content:
- Programme introduction
- What is social work supervision?
- The function of social work supervision
- General Rules for Social Work Supervision
- The importance of Reflective Practice for Social Work Supervision
- Communication Skills and Social Work Supervision
- Behavioural Styles and Social Work Supervision
- The Use of Questions in Social Work Supervision
- Listening And Observing And Social Work Supervision
- Giving effective feedback in Social Work Supervision
- The supervisor as an administrator
- Administrative Supervision: Values and Theories
- The supervisor as an advocate, change agent and data analyst
- What is educational supervision?
- Adult Learning Principles and Experiential Learning
- Dimensions of learning
- Professional Maturity for Social Workers
- Guidance for supervisors experiencing difficulty with staff
- What is supportive supervision
- Supportive Supervision – Preventing Burnout
- Programme summary
- Exam
This programme has audio. The programme is accredited with the SACSSP for 19.5 CPD points (CPD Approval Number: 244/2021)
Completion Requirements: Participants must complete assignments and pass an exam with at least 80%.The programme costs R500 with a 90 day access license. You must complete the programme in 90 days.
Payment for Programmes
External Users
External users refers to all other users, such as:
- Professionals wanting to take online programmes
- Parents wanting their child to take an online programme
External users must self-register on the LMS, select a programme and make an online payment through PayPal using a credit or debit card. Once payment has been processed, access to the programme is opened. The programmes are priced in USD, due to NICRO using PayPal. The USD amount is converted to ZAR during the payment process.
Payment Process
- Click on the programme you want to access
- You will be asked whether you want to enrol in the course. Click Subscribe
- The subscriptions page will open. Ensure you have ticked the box next to the name of the programme you want to enrol in
- Click Add to Cart
- Select the PayPal standard payment option
- Tick next to the terms and conditions text box
- Click Checkout Items
- You will then be taken through to PayPal, where you can log in with your existing PayPal account or create a free one while paying for the programme
- Enter your card details and other payment information PayPal requires, and follow the instructions on the page
- Once payment has been processed, you will be able to access the programme content
Click here to see a guide on making online payments: LINK.
Important Note for Paying External Clients
Please note you have between 60 to 90 days to complete the programme, after which your license will expire. The access period varies across the programmes. If your license expires, you will not be able to access the programme content. When you complete your programme, please ensure you download any programme content made available for download, as you will not have access to the programme after the license expiration period.
NICRO Clients
NICRO clients refers to the following:
- Clients referred by courts
- Clients referred from other service providers
- Clients referred by community structures
- Clients referred by their local NICRO office
NICRO clients do not self-register on the LMS or make online payments. NICRO clients will make payments as instructed by their local NICRO office. The normal process is to make a direct deposit into NICRO's bank account and forward the proof of payment directly to your appointed social worker. Your appointed social worker will drive this process directly with you, the client.
This process sits outside the LMS.
NICRO staff do not pay for any of the programmes. Staff do not self-register on the LMS.
Privacy on the Learning Management System
In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), please note the following:
With regards to the Learning Management System (LMS), private information includes the following:
- Your name
- Email address
- ID #
- SACSSP # (if applicable)
- SACE # (if applicable)
- Programme name
- Programme performance data
- Gradebook
- Certificate
- Proof of payment if paying online
Your private information is stored in the back-end of the LMS and is accessed by restricted persons for the purpose of managing your programme participation and assignments, as indicated below:
Social workers can access the private information listed above of the clients at their office only.
NICRO Area Managers and Supervisors can access the private information listed above of clients at all the offices they manage.
The LMS Administrator can access the private information listed above of all clients on the LMS.
No information about offences, personal history, criminal history and social work services is stored in the LMS.
Gradebooks and certificates are printed and placed in client case files for record-keeping purposes, and copies are submitted to court as part of the court report.
No other LMS information is shared with any other party for any reason.
Should you have any questions or concerns related to privacy issues and the LMS, please contact your social worker.
Your private information is stored in the back-end of the LMS and is accessed by restricted persons for the purpose of managing your programme participation and assignments, as indicated below:
NICRO Area Managers can access the private information listed above of NICRO Staff at all the offices they manage.
The LMS Administrator can access the private information listed above of all users on the LMS.
Payment information such as credit or debit card details are not processed in the LMS. All online payments are processed offsite by PayPal. Only proof of payment is stored on the LMS. The LMS Administrator is the only person with access to payment proofs.
No NICRO staff and non-court external user LMS information is shared with any other party for any reason.
Should you have any questions or concerns related to privacy issues and the LMS, please contact NICRO Head Office.
View a Short Video Demo of Using the LMS
Click on the video icon above. Please turn sound on for the demo.
Creating an Account
You can create a user account for free. You will receive a verification email, which you need to click in order to activate your account. Check your junk mail folder if you do not see this email in your Inbox.
Paying for Programmes
Once you have verified your account, you can then subscribe to the programmes you want, make an online payment with a debit or credit card. Once payment has been processed, the programme content will be accessible to you. Your access to the programme content is time-limited, so please ensure you complete the programme within the timeframe provided. See the Paying for Programmes help page for more information on the payment process.
Logging in
Enter your username and password in the log-in field in the right-hand corner. If you have lost your username and password, please start the lost password / username process.
Your Profile & Password
You can change your email address, password and add / correct your ID number under the "My Profile", which is on the right-hand side of the screen. Follow the lost password / username process if you forget either one. There are relevant links to recover your password and / or username under the log in fields at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Course Instructions
To complete this course, you need to do the following:
- Follow the learning path on the course home page
- The learning path includes modules, quizzes and assignments
- You can open the entire learning path by double-clicking on the text "Contents"
- Complete each step of the learning path in the set order
- You can go back and revisit earlier content in the learning path, should you choose to
- When you have completed everything in the learning path and passed all your quizzes, you will be recorded as ‘compliant`
- Your social worker will export your data for your court report.
Watching the Videos
The videos are timed to 10 seconds per screen. Please pause the video if you need more time to take notes. You must take notes for each module so that you can refer to your notes for the quizzes and assignments.
Taking the Quizzes
You will take short quizzes to demonstrate your progress so far. You will see each question one at a time.
You may refer to your notes when taking the quiz. At the end of the quiz, you will see a REVIEW button.
Clicking on this button will show you which of your answers was correct. You may retake the quiz an unlimited amount of times. To retake the quiz, open the learning path(click on the “Contents” Button) and click on the quiz module.
The passing score requirements for the quiz is 100%.
Writing Your Assignment
The purpose of the assignments is for you to demonstrate that you are (1) reflecting on what you have learnt so far in this course and (2) applying what you have learnt to your own life.
Please ensure that your assignments contain only your words. Text copied and pasted from other sources is regarded as plagiarism and will result in your assignment being returned for resubmission.
Assignment Attachments
If the programme allows for assignment uploads, a document upload button appears instead of a text box. If there is no document upload button, assignments may not be uploaded for that programme. You will need to work on your assignment in a Word or Google Doc, and then copy and paste the text over.
To upload an assignment, attach the file and then click the submit button.
Plagiarism and AI Text Generators
Please see the following article about plagiarism and using AI text generators: Plagiarism and AI Text Generators
Downloading and Uploading PDFs Quizzes and Surveys
In some of the client programmes, you will complete quizzes and evaluations that you need to save and upload as an assignment.
When you have completed the activity, you will be given the change to save the proof of completion to your computer as a PDF. Save the PDF proof to your computer, and then upload it when asked in your assignment.
Watch a short demo video on how to do this here.
Feedback on Assignments
Your assignment will be marked, and either accepted, or returned to you for further work.
LMS Assignment Marking Rubric
- Does the assignment answer the question?
- Does the assignment demonstrate adequate comprehension of the learning outcomes being assessed by the assignment?
- Is there sufficient detail?
- Is the assignment logical and comprehensive?
- Does the assignment demonstrate behaviour change on the part of the client?
- Does the assignment demonstrate changes in values, attitudes, and beliefs on the part of the client?
- Does the client show an increase in self-reflection and honesty?
If the assignment earns a NO in more than 2 areas, return assignment for resubmission.
Tracking your Assignments
Track the status of your assignments in the left-hand menu > Assignments. Here you will see returned and outstanding assignments.
Other Notes
Please note that the default due date for each assignment is set for the year 2050. We have set the due date so far in advance because clients are joining the courses at different times.
Course Completion Status
Please ensure you click all the way to the end of the learning path until you see the message "You have now completed the ____programme." Otherwise the system will not register you as "course complete". The system also takes a few minutes to synch changes.
If you have completed your learning path, have seen the above message displayed and still are not listed as 'course complete", please inform your social worker so we can investigate.
When You Complete the Course
When you successfully complete the course, you will receive a PDF certificate for download. Please ensure you download your certificate as your access to the course will be removed within 30 days after completion. When this happens, your course data and certificate are erased from the system.
Need Help?
Contact your NICRO social worker if you:
- Need guidance and support
- Have specific questions about the learning content of your course
- Can't remember your course completion due date